Lilly : Every time I see a warning like this, I think of you getting dizzy just looking into a cup of coffee.
Ronnie : I am in advanced training, Lilly - now using a much deeper cup !
Lilly : That looks far too deep for you . . wear a life-jacket and tether, yes ? Best take no chances.
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and yes :: takes safety first ... also you need a large cup, to delve into security?? always original compositions with you ;-)
21 Jun 2012 6:01am
One is never wise enough, that's a cup for super wise guy ! I love the hand gesture... and size, in comparison. Great tilt, we're all on board now, let's sail !
21 Jun 2012 6:07am
@k@: 'All ashore wot's going ashore' !! (Capt. Ronnie)
Are you sure that's a coffee cup Ronnie, it looks more like my granny's "guzzunder!"
21 Jun 2012 6:35am
@Curly: . . I did find it under a bed at the hostel, Curly . . (Ronnie)
You could definitely drown in that cup, you take heed of Lily :)
21 Jun 2012 7:04am
@Christine: . . glug . . .
surely there is some long lost philosophical adage about the depth of ones coffee cup vs. the impending inevitable effects of the 2nd law of thermodynamics
while thy cup may be deep, thy coffee gets colder
and yet all that deep energy does not simply go away but instead is transformed, spreading out to the coldness around it - with that I think I'll go have another cup
21 Jun 2012 7:23am
@Jason Kravitz: lol . . whatever you got in that cup, Jason, it's sure not coffee . . but it should sell well on the street ! (Ronnie)
Oh no! Lilly is right. Get a life jacket for that cup of all cups. HA. Just great... as usual!
21 Jun 2012 7:28am
@Veronique: Might be why they stopped me getting it filled at Starbucks, Miss V . . I need to learn up on these things. (Ronnie-on-the-street)
With that cup I'm not sure a life jacket will be enough, what about SCUBA or is this a bit "potty"
21 Jun 2012 7:44am
@Doug: I have a growing sense of unease here . . (Ronnie)
I love the correlation between "advancedness" of your training and the size/ depth of your cup.. how much further advance you plan to go, Ronnie? Life-jackets may not be helpful if you go too advanced..!
21 Jun 2012 7:53am
It is true that the cup is pretty huge, it is better to have a life jacket :) Good day.
21 Jun 2012 7:54am
That is one big cup - you could jump inside and use it as a lifeboat!
21 Jun 2012 7:57am
@Stephen: Now, there's a comforting idea ! (Ronnie)
I think you need a lifejacket anywhere near that cup!! I can imagine myself drowning in there. Fun post!
21 Jun 2012 8:24am
Using this cup is asking for trouble ...............
It looks a bit like a chamber pot ;-))
Take care, Ronnie!!!
21 Jun 2012 8:38am
@Ellebelle: The coffee no longer tastes right . . thought it was the blend . . (Ronnie)
Yes I'm with Lilly on this one Ronnie. Beware lest thy cup runneth over me old china
21 Jun 2012 8:54am
Dans chaque composante de ce diptyque, il y a une présence humaine réduite à la portion congrue, reléguée à l'arrière plan ! A l'opposé, sur celle de droite, la tasse prend des proportions démesurées qui en font un pot de chambre mais comme l'ambiance est sombre, on va dire que c'est un vase de nuit !
Bonne journée lumineuse!
21 Jun 2012 9:02am
@thami: On dirait que pot de chambre est le favori ici ! (Ronnie)
I agree with Lily, do not look too deeply into the glass or coffee mug! Dangerous situation! -:)
21 Jun 2012 9:23am
Bei der großen Tasse ist der Tagesbedarf an Kaffee fast gedeckt.
21 Jun 2012 10:04am
If I'd drink a cup of coffee that size, I'd need a life jacket for when I go to the bathroom. :-)
21 Jun 2012 10:56am
Spectacular image & a very good composition. Have a lovely day & Good luck !!
21 Jun 2012 11:49am
Again, a great assembly ... I like your hand near the large cup ... Great imagination yours ... A hug, Adela
21 Jun 2012 12:12pm
Ronnie, mate, this is one of the clearest security camera shots I have ever seen. It caught you (Literally), red-handed as you attempted to steal that Jules de'gaston-neuve limited edition piss-pot from Ceramicka Magnifique in Bond street.And, sorry, attempting to evade the police by standing on a bridge making out you are a tourist just won't work, particularly as you are still wearing your Broadmore Mental Hospital inmate light blue tunic. You need to sit down with a coffee and think of a better plan.
21 Jun 2012 1:57pm
@CElliottUK: When I was released, they told me that blue tunic would 'get me in anywhere'. This proved to be true, Chris. Getting out again was the problem. (Ronnie)
elle est immense la tasse rayée sueprbe cpatage avec la diagonale dans l'autre partie fantastique.
Belle soirée
21 Jun 2012 2:11pm
hahaha...I am amazed how that cup look so large! Some optical illusion?I am sorry you get dizzy looking into a cup of coffee, I love coffee Ronnie, I cannot do without at least a cup per day...
21 Jun 2012 2:12pm
@tyan: No illusion, Tyan - that's the way it all was ! (Ronnie)
The sheer weight of that cup has tilted the entire two-panel presentation. Ronnie, you must remember to alternate use of both hands and arms when drinking your coffee, lest you wind up with a freakishly over developed tennis-serving arm! And take care to remain near a bladder relief station at all times :)
21 Jun 2012 2:21pm
@Rick: I'll need print that off and carry the advice with me, Rick. Although the word 'freakish' might cause a stir in some alert locations. (Ronnie)
A funny concept with pictures to match.
21 Jun 2012 2:33pm
@Slackwater - Don: Thank you, Don. I thought your rose image of today was really beautiful. ( from Lilly )
What a training Ronnie!!! Using such a giant cup would definitely make me feel seasick!:-) Hey, Lilly, I thought I saw a guy standing eerily behind the warning banner... would that be Ronnie?!
21 Jun 2012 2:35pm
@hugo poon: No, Hugo. That would be one of the guys looking for Ronnie. They are stationed at most of our strategic locations as a matter of public safety. ( from Lilly )
That "cup" looks like a bucket. What's next, a barrel? ;-)
21 Jun 2012 2:49pm
@Steve Rice: Please don't give him bigger ideas, Steve - already someone has been injured by a coffee bag for that cup. ( from Lilly )
Yes, Ronnie, you think about Cleopatra, who fell in a bathtub full of donkey milk...
21 Jun 2012 2:55pm
@Melocoton: Agradecida de su apoyo, amigo ! (Ronnie)
I think you need a life jacket with the cup.
21 Jun 2012 3:50pm
Where can I get one of those cups??
21 Jun 2012 4:48pm
I sure hope that's going to be decaffeinated!! Forget the life jacket, just bring the defibrillator. :-)
21 Jun 2012 5:20pm
Lilly, I think you should keep your eye on Ronnie, he's using an old Victorian chamber pot as a cup..... I mean, he could offer it to his guests !
21 Jun 2012 5:35pm
@Michael Fresh: Guests ? At Ronnie's ?! I cannot see a problem there, Mike ! ( from Lilly )
Excellent image. It's a pretty huge cup, it can be no life-jacket for you if in this cup do you training....:-)
21 Jun 2012 5:38pm
Now that would be a big cup of tea, could use that after being in that water
21 Jun 2012 5:51pm
My first thought on seeing that "cup" was also chamber pot. I have seen some smaller than that cup! You could float down the river in that cup as a boat and not worry about drowning. I personally like a cup about that size for my morning coffee - but then alas I'd need to use it as a chamber pot afterwards.
21 Jun 2012 5:51pm
@Ruthiebear: Ruthie, this paints such a pretty picture - I'm quite moved by it all ! (Ronnie)
ROFL....yes in the colonies we call them "thunder mugs"! Well done Ronnie! ;-)))
21 Jun 2012 6:07pm
@Eric Cousineau: ha ha . . let's hear it for the colonies - hip hip . . hello ? (Commissioner Ronnie)
Haha...great photos ~ and that's one heck of a cup of morning brew!
21 Jun 2012 8:23pm
how about the bathtub? you wear a life jacket when you bathe, too, ronnie? or do you stay in the non-swimmers part of the tub ?!? ;-))
21 Jun 2012 8:35pm
@franz: A bath ? Have to check my old diaries and let you know . . . (Ronnie)
Excellent perspective and focus on the cup! A wonderful and always funny composition! Cheers!
21 Jun 2012 9:04pm
@john4jack: k
You could definitely drown in that cup - it is gigantic. Maybe you need to develop some kind of life preserver for the head. On the other hand, all that coffee would definintely create quite a buzz! Made me laugh!
22 Jun 2012 12:23am
@Elaine Hancock: Perhaps an air tube fixed to a float or something . . nothing fancy. (Ronnie)
Lilly is right you know Ronnie, you can die in 2 inches of water... or coffee...
22 Jun 2012 2:13am
@Sue-Ann: . . glug . . . (Ronnie-on-the-rim)
@Jypyä Pop: I shall take the plunge ! (Ronnie)
@Martine: Merci - profiter du week-end à venir, Martine ! (Lilly and Ronnie)
after a cup of coffee that size you'll be buzzing and spending lots of visits to the little boys room
22 Jun 2012 11:59am
@Goddess ☼ Ƹl¡: Hello, G'dess ! Good to see you back active. (Ronnie)
Excellent work ! I really like these diagonals.... Have a lovely day :)
22 Jun 2012 2:08pm
From the size of that cup, I'd really like to see the POT. Oh, wait...um, did you say you found it in your bed CHAMBER???
23 Jun 2012 2:17am
@B. Thomas: Big smiles . . have a lovely weekend, Barbara ! (Ronnie)
You must get yourself a piece of biscotti on the same scale!
23 Jun 2012 2:42pm
@Julie L. Brown: biscotti di Prato - now, there's a girl after my own heart ! (Rolando)
Under the bed?? Hmmm I would wash it well before having my morning coffee. Nice find!
23 Jun 2012 8:40pm
@Hilde Morin: Thanks, Hilde - and warm welcome to OurTwoSense. (Lilly and Ronnie)
it is so heartwarming to see how worried is lilly, ronnie! :-))
I take another cup of ..
tea! :-))
23 Jun 2012 8:43pm
@curieuzeneuzemosterdpot: Oh, yes, I know she has my best interests at heart ! (Ronnie)
Ronnie, you can have around 4 cups of coffee a day with no ill effects, apparently.
23 Jun 2012 10:39pm
@Daryl Johnson: 8 cups = 1 chamber-pot, I reckon . . . but I'm not sure I'm thirsty, now, having read too much about the subject on Wiki ! . . (Ronnie)
C'est vraiment une grosse tasse ! Je vous souhaite un agréable dimanche
24 Jun 2012 8:53am
@jpla: Bonne dimanche à vous et les vôtres, JP ! (Lilly and Ronnie)
hihi...bien vu! En France on dit: "se noyer dans un verre d'eau"! ;-)
24 Jun 2012 8:54am
@Monik: Ce serait vrai dans n'importe quelle langue - ont un coffre-fort dimanche ! (Ronnie)
Be careful not to slip, it looks great.
Have a nice day.
24 Jun 2012 8:54am
@gerard1948: ah . . "many a slip . . . " - nice one ! (Ronnie)
those who wear rocket-jacket don't need a stinky life jacket
go go, superheroes!
24 Jun 2012 6:02pm
@yz: . . whooooomph ! . . .
@philippe: Je vous remercie, mon ami ! (Ronnie)
@Aniya: 'fraid so . . . (Ronnie)
Humor makes my day, is the salt of my life, without which i hardly can survive.
And you 2 know it so well blending it in your photography in a sweet lovely style
25 Jun 2012 3:51am
@Othersideblue: Thank you for your kindness - have a great week, OSB ! (Lilly and Ronnie)
hahaha, the deeper cup !!
you have to wear a life-jacket and call emergency before to drink all this coffe ! ;-)))))
29 Jun 2012 9:39am