Lilly : Sorry I am late for the meeting - have I missed much ?
Ronnie : Three bags of Dolly Mixtures and, almost, the opening of my Skittles.
Lilly : I can see I have some catching up to do.
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ooh! you're greedy!! I understand but I am also ...... and do not be late with you.; ;-))))
a picture for a cheerful start of the week .. ;-)
18 Feb 2013 5:53am
@Goddess ☼ Ƹl¡: Saving a few Skittles for you, G'dess ! (Ronnie)
Woman! They always make you wait :)) Luckily Ronnie sweet tooth was well prepared!
18 Feb 2013 6:18am
@Monique: I cannot possibly comment ! (Ronnie-the-Wise)
At least she got there before you started on the Skittles....I love dolly mixtures
18 Feb 2013 6:45am
Looks like there will be some fast decision making at this meeting after all that sugar!
18 Feb 2013 7:18am
If you eat a lot of candy, tooth-troll dig holes in the teeth!:-Haleja.
Happy new week for both of you,my friend!
18 Feb 2013 7:46am
@Oiva: Yay ! Have a great week, Oiva !
Lilly if he's anything like my granddaughters you'll keep Ronnie away from the skittles or he'll be bouncing off the ceiling !
18 Feb 2013 7:54am
I see that Humpty Dumpty was on the agenda, hope the meeting found a way to fix him again :-)
18 Feb 2013 8:13am
@Curly: Ah, yes, those creditors listings can be all-inclusive, it seems ! (Ronnie)
So plans for monetising OurTwoSense going well...?
18 Feb 2013 8:25am
@Daryl Johnson: Yes, yes . . the latest batch of begging letters went out last week. (Ronnie)
Ha ha - it is a girl's prerogative to be late....and looks like Ronnie kept himself sugared up until you got there.
18 Feb 2013 8:54am
@kiwisa: Toothache, now . . (Ronnie)
Lots of energy for a neverending meeting ;-))
Afterwards Lilly will regret that she was late ............
18 Feb 2013 9:41am
Two Thumbs Up For Prefect Frame And Weird Presentation :bd
18 Feb 2013 9:57am
Nice shot...I can see that the mental focus is more on goodies :-)
18 Feb 2013 10:39am
What else can you do while waiting.. ha ha..
18 Feb 2013 11:20am
Une friandise pour chaque page lue correctement...
Bon début de semaine lumineuse et chal-heureuse!
18 Feb 2013 12:03pm
I wish that in real life those people who are late to meeting missed much of the good stuff. Too often we wait for them and then we all suffer.
Seems you hit a hot spot for me, and I turned your humor on its head and became serious.
18 Feb 2013 12:04pm
@Anita: If there were not a real side to these crazy moments, much of the impact would be lost ! (Ronnie)
I'm a chocolate man but then a sugar rush is a sugar rush and who can resist all those lovely E numbers?
18 Feb 2013 12:34pm
I wonder how you'll catch up the sweet drawings !
18 Feb 2013 12:37pm
I don't know Dolly Mixtures or Skittles, but if those were dark chocolate M&Ms I would not be late for the meeting, Ronnie! ;D
18 Feb 2013 1:19pm
@Judy aka L@dybug: I shall make a note of that on my complimentary notepad, Judy ! (Ronnie)
oh you're so sweet tooth roonie je je, fantastic shot
18 Feb 2013 1:35pm
@Melocoton: Call me Gummy ! (Rummie)
I'm afraid of being too late, sweets have disappeared!!! Good day.
18 Feb 2013 1:44pm
Have not heard from Dolly Mixtures from my part of the world (darn!)...but I love the colourful butterfly on Lily's side!
18 Feb 2013 2:15pm
Soooo cute and "sweet"!!! BTW, I could see Ronnie was actually having enormous fun until you finally showed up, Lilly!:-)
18 Feb 2013 2:40pm
@hugo poon: . . hush, now Hugo . . as if things are not bad enough . . (Ronnie)
rhôôôôôô.....skittles.......I used to eat it.......to much....bye bye....
18 Feb 2013 3:25pm
I love meetings that go like that - good supplies Ronnie and good job you've left a few things for Lilly to join in ; )
18 Feb 2013 3:30pm
As always a picture and a magic dialogue! Best regards, Adela
18 Feb 2013 4:25pm
Ha :) I'm busy with your POV for that light and I don't have time to eat something !!
18 Feb 2013 4:29pm
@farNaaz: Neato, huh ?! Thanks. (Ronnie)
@Heinz: Anything einen Versuch wert, Heinz. (Ronnie)
A beautiful picture, I like a lot. It is not good to eat too .... Ronnie - :)
Have a good week.
18 Feb 2013 5:18pm
I am not familiar with Dolly Mixtures. I think someone has made good use of the SKittles by making them into art rather than consuming all of that sugar. Lilly is surely sweet enough without the candy. Ronnie, perhaps sugar is not the best idea of a meeting snack. You will either fall asleep from it, or bounce around the room. Either way, it seem like the work will be left for Lilly.
18 Feb 2013 6:18pm
The most productive part of the meeting seems to be Lilly's fine Skittles art. Nicely done, Lilly.
18 Feb 2013 7:11pm
@Steve Rice: I must quietly admit I was kinda impressed by that myself, Steve ! (Ronnie) Too late now, Ronnie., That Steve seems a nice man. ( from Lilly )
I love the proper skittle arrangement courtesy of Miss Lilly....very classy!! Oops I just read Stev's comment...well Sweetness is as Sweetness does, I always say...However (and you thought I was done, didn't you?), as I always say " There is a benefit to be had in the randomness of thought, the shuffling of paper, the focusing of the lamp...I don't know what it is, but there you have it anyway....OK I am Done now ./..
18 Feb 2013 7:56pm
@Denny Jump Photo: Your Comments are always a pleasure, Denny - glad to have you on board, my friend. (Ronnie)
You have certainly not bored until the arrival of Lily. ;-)
18 Feb 2013 9:34pm
I see you have mastered time management Ronnie, you must be very proud Lilly.
18 Feb 2013 10:37pm
@Kate: I can see myself being pushed under the wheels of industry here ! (Ronnie)
lily can't come late enough? :-)))
great image with lot of sweetness? :-))
18 Feb 2013 10:56pm
I know before big meetings I would be nervous and would eat something, usually candy hidden in my desk drawer. This must have been some meeting! I like Lilly's Skittle arrangement. This is a wonderful image, I like how it was arranged!
19 Feb 2013 12:06am
@Elaine Hancock: Thanks, Elaine - we had little in the way of plans for this and just let it happen ! (L&R)
beautiful colors and images! I like how the colorful Skittles contrasted with the paper/documents; lovely!
I see you 2 have a sweet tooth...
19 Feb 2013 12:18am
@Photographs by M.E.: Well, Lilly has the full set but I have just the one, now . . (Ronnie)
@Irene: I've not tried them, yet . . the description reads like 'sugar-coated sugar' ? (Ronnie)
There's a rainbow in every bag.
(Egad, I watch too much TV.)
19 Feb 2013 1:27am
How many bags of candy does it take to organize those papers?
19 Feb 2013 2:03am
@Julie L. Brown: Looks like 5-bag session to me ! (Ronnie)
hum hum, suis au régime pour le moment.. no friandise for me !
19 Feb 2013 7:39am
Thank you for visiting the Surgery, Ronnie. I can see that your OCD need to sort everything is getting better, as you've only ordered the Skittles and the pens, a major step forward from the last session where you cut all the letters out of the papers, and re-arranged them in alphabetic order. Keep taking the pills.
19 Feb 2013 9:27am
@CElliottUK: I found some of the pills have numbers inside beneath the sugar-coating. I'm deeply worried I might have taken them out of sequence and that my anxieties may return, Doctor. (Ronnie)
@RBL: Thanx, Ruthie! ( from Lilly )
Excellent your meetings for tooth decays and for... smile :))
19 Feb 2013 8:18pm
@Kiki: Everything has a price, I suppose ! (Ronnie)
haha oh I love this. Especially the look of those skittles, one can never go wrong with those :) (I remember back home in Lesotho, when they took them off the shelves all the kids including me were devastated ha..) And just as the skittles packet says this is *original*!
20 Feb 2013 5:03am
@Abena: As I've admitted somewhere here, I've not actually tasted them yet myself . . still not opened the packet although I did eat all the dolly mixture ! (Ronnie)
i m not sure if you have followed all the meeting Ronnie ^_^
funny picture as usual, well done
20 Feb 2013 7:02am
@☺ ► ƸɼiϾ ◄ ☼: Thanx, Eric !
@Jypyä Pop: I should hang a sign of that over the door, JP ! (R)
Excellent, très drôle ! Je te souhaite une agréable journée
20 Feb 2013 8:49am
@jpla: Merci - profiter de votre semaine, aussi ! (R)
A wonderful composition and great perspective to this image The colours are beautiful and the sweets looks ready to be eaten.A great way to start a meeting !
20 Feb 2013 9:39am
@Laurette: Thank you, Laurette. It was a fun image to work on and we got to eat the sweets, too! ( Lilly and Ronnie )
Quelle vue de cette lampe superbe de haut avec le dessin coloré génial.
20 Feb 2013 2:21pm
I hope one of those papers is Ronnie's dental insurance form.
20 Feb 2013 2:32pm
@B. Thomas: ha ha . . yes, that would be a must, I think ! (Ronnie)
A fine composition to go with the narrative.
20 Feb 2013 3:41pm
Sherpa sat here watching my dog charges while I went to town. I found 27 little foil balls with tails, that were once Hershey Kisses, neatly collected in a cup by the TV. I was so appalled I went down to the pantry (I'm house-sitting) and grabbed a hand full to get even. :-} What? When the light is just right on my keyboard I see the evidence of all the crumbs of munchies I require for inspiration here.
20 Feb 2013 4:03pm
@Joyce: We deserve the bad things in life now and then ! (Ronnie)
En attendant Lilly, tu pouvais classer tes papiers au lieu de jouer avec les bonbons ! :)
20 Feb 2013 8:02pm
:) very nice & interesting!
so beautiful frame, colors & lights!
20 Feb 2013 8:44pm
The left side of the image is very "girly", sorry Lilly :) I must admit I've never thought of making a picture with my Skittles.
21 Feb 2013 6:15am
brilliant (photo) perspective, and i am sure lilly will catch up easily if she dedicates herself to it ... ;-)
25 Feb 2013 5:38pm
Looking down at a table top is my favorite point of view. Very nice.
26 Feb 2013 9:33pm