Lilly : I doubt whether you get the message from today's graffiti.
Ronnie : Be assured I read it loud and clear here, Lilly.
Lilly : But that's not even graffiti, Ronnie . .
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No need to guess, is there have been people. Unfortunately.
6 Apr 2015 5:33am
@Jypyä Pop: Yes, people-problems everywhere it seems . . (R)
EXCELLENT composition! Very interesting complexity of graffiti on the left.
6 Apr 2015 6:28am
@Ben: Merci - avoir une bonne semaine, mon ami!
Graffiti: some love it, some hate it. I'm in the latter group.
6 Apr 2015 9:09am
@Anita: Well, that makes at least two of us, Anita ! (Ronnie)
@Willem: Three ! Enough for a revolution. (Ronnie)
Aw!! Ronnie...Graffiti should be banned...they mess up every place !!! It is the opposite of beauty!!!
6 Apr 2015 10:15am
@Devi: I agree with you entirely . . but it just gets worse. (Ronnie)
I'm not sure which one should be banned first: graffiti or garbage? For the time being we seem to be invaded by both! BUT...there are graffiti that look artsy, not so bad...
6 Apr 2015 10:20am
@Japanalia: Not much difference between the two to me, Gabriela, but, yes, there are 'art' exceptions . . (R)
Rest indeed, but now packaged in photo art !
6 Apr 2015 11:54am
You'll need the Enigma machine to decode this.
6 Apr 2015 12:13pm
Very interesting conversation between these four pictures.
6 Apr 2015 12:48pm
Such an intelligent shot here. Wow, I love the striking contrasting resemblance between the two sequences. I love the organic natural grafitti more :D
6 Apr 2015 12:49pm
@Nitin: Thanks, Nitin . . hafta admit graffiti is an alien world to me. (Ronnie)
Lilly, you have captured it all in your images - senseless trashing. Ronnie, yours looks more refined today. I wonder what happened?
6 Apr 2015 3:04pm
Ups! Today the subject of art! this is complicated! Very well thought out and well done! Excellent! HUGS!
6 Apr 2015 4:40pm
Spray take heart,
It Can be Art
Even air Can have soul
6 Apr 2015 5:33pm
@grouser: Is that Shakescan you are quoting there, G'ser ? (Ronnie)
There graffiti areart, but most ... garbage. (I think) Let's join the league anti graffiti dirty !
6 Apr 2015 6:03pm
This makes a great conversation item. I like all kinds of art and I love the different interpretations that come from everyone's unique experience but there is a place for everything and messing up a building and leaving the cans lying around is not it!
6 Apr 2015 7:53pm
@Elaine Hancock: I find myself agreeing with you there, Elaine . . (Ronnie)
@kiwisa: Yup, that's true, too ! (Ronnie)
some have an odd way to express themselves.
maybe you should recommend them .. aminus3? ;-))
6 Apr 2015 9:21pm
@curieuzeneuzemosterdpot: A search on AM3 indicates they have already found there way here . . (Ronnie)
How odd that someone trademarks (TM) their graffiti, Ronnie!! So does that mean we can find out who created this graffiti by going to the USPTO? :-)
7 Apr 2015 12:52am
@Steven: Oh, my, a Graffiti Register . . maybe it is going legit ! (Ronnie)
Clearly the left is about art with an illegible message, while the right is about commerce with a faux graffiti-like font to capture attention. And the artist needs to pick up after him/herself.
7 Apr 2015 1:56am
Walls cover themselves with grafs which catch the eye with more or less of interest and happiness.
Exposée à tous vents, cette forme d'expression a ses adeptes et parfois du talent pour colorer les murs gris.
7 Apr 2015 6:51am
Jed ne suis pas un fan des graffitis mais il faut bien reconnaitre qu'ils font partie de l'art moderne!
Bravo pour ton message qui est parfait et qui illustre bien ce phénomène.
7 Apr 2015 7:22am
@maximage: Nous essayons de maintenir un équilibre. . essayer. (R)
Lilly is spot on - looks like stencil art. If you want graffiti Ronnie could always add his tag underneath!
7 Apr 2015 8:51am
@Stephen: Now, that would be a hoot! ( from Lilly )
Ronnie is seeing things again. Another winner that works for me.
7 Apr 2015 2:37pm
When I taught high school art, there was a graffiti problem. I taught a unit on Calligraphy - even for the boys, and one on lettering and design. After that, there was still writing on the rest room walls, but at least it looked really pretty! ;-)
7 Apr 2015 6:15pm
@B. Thomas: Smiles . . a degree of satisfaction there, Barbara ! (Ronnie)
That so called graffiti is a disappointment. I have seen some really artistic stuff.
8 Apr 2015 3:21am
@Michael Rawluk: Grudgingly, I must admit I've seen some brilliant stuff . . but not on any wall of mine ! (Ronnie)
Plusieurs graffitis se sont superposés à gauche
8 Apr 2015 5:31am
Très bien vu!!! Ils font des graffitis et puis ils laissent tout là! pas cool!!!!
8 Apr 2015 7:43am
@Martine Libouton: Ouais, la poubelle est le principal problème là, je pense. (R)
Quelle pagaille.....
Et la Pollution alors ?...... :)))))
8 Apr 2015 10:36am
@tataray: Oui, la pollution dans plus d'un titre. (Ronnie)
The 'artist' is a litterer.
8 Apr 2015 11:18am
Des déchets, des tage quelle iamge sueprbe avec le petites fleurs.
8 Apr 2015 3:11pm
@Malaura: Et merci pour votre commentaire - avez-vous un site web? (Ronnie)
I'm not too thrilled with graffiti, I don't know what else I can say.
9 Apr 2015 12:47am
@Irene: I can add only that I share your views ! (Ronnie)
Ils pourraient au moins faire le ménage après leur passage!
Le diptyque est bon et bien vu en tous cas!
9 Apr 2015 9:14am
There are graffiti and graffiti but most are unfortunately black restless and destructive! Clear photos and message !
9 Apr 2015 6:51pm
@Olivier: Thanks, Olivier - I think those colors come in cans! ( from Lilly )
If you understand the message Ronny.
Have a nice weekend
9 Apr 2015 8:20pm
J'aime bien cette compétition (comparaison) entre graffitis propres et graffitis un peu crados...j'aime beaucoup les couleurs des "graffitis de Ronnie"...
10 Apr 2015 12:12am
I see "Sue" on the left and she is looking for someone named "Funki-Fresh" Don't eat those Dogwod pods, they make people bark....Love this one, you two!
10 Apr 2015 1:29am
@Denny Jump Photo: Thanks for the translation, Denny - I hope they get together real soon ! (Ronnie)
Excellent ! And Thank you for your fidélité to pur blog annisab
10 Apr 2015 11:51am
@Aly: Thank you, Aly . . and to you. ( from Lilly and Ronnie )
A very well-composed juxtaposition.
11 Apr 2015 8:04am
@Daryl Johnson: Thanks, Daryl - have a good w/e.
Graffiti as in banksy is superb as it conveys more than just the image, it is inventive and hits the spot so very often. This by comparison is poor, that said I like the combination you've put together here.
10 May 2015 1:40pm
@shooter: Yes, agree with what you say . . (Ronnie)