Lilly : Are you aware that potatoes provide essential vitamins, potassium, copper, manganese, phosphorus, fiber and pantothenic acid ?
Ronnie : Mentions only fat, saturates, sugar and salt on my can.
Lilly : 'can' ??
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I Do I understand correctly now, that that figure is tin, which is packed potatoes in water? As I have always said in these pages can see really amazing things.
27 Jun 2016 5:53am
@Jypyä Pop: Ah, yes, tinned potatoes - very tasty ! Have a great week, JP. (Ronnie)
very nice shot!
such beautiful frame, colors & details!
You mentioned to delicious things, Ronnie! ;)
27 Jun 2016 6:30am
@omid: ' fat, saturates, sugar and salt' . . yums, more please ! (Ronnie)
First time I see potatoes in a can !!! We cannot stop progress ..... If we can call it progress. Annierita
27 Jun 2016 6:41am
@Annierita & Annisabelle: I bought those only for photography . . but no-one believes me ! (Ronnie) Nobody believes you, Ronnie. Nobody. Period. ( from Lilly )
@grouser: Ah, that was only while my teeth were being fixed . . I've got a couple of them back now. (Ronnie)
@farNaaz50: Oh, yes, that can of potatoes is for real ! "Different shapes and sizes, tasty and hearty" ! (R)
Haha I've just peeled for tonight.
Not for me those looks.
Good to thinking about it and reading on the packaging.
27 Jun 2016 9:39am
We have never seen a jar of potatoes! I would not want to eat them! :-))))Haleja.
Happy day my good friend Lilly and Ronnie!
27 Jun 2016 9:49am
@Oiva: Thank you !
"Can " you believe this ? Ronnie goes for Canned potatoes and says it was bought only for this shot!!! !! Just Can't buy this !!!!
Hearty ?
Capital capital capital..
But i go for naturals:))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Okay Ronnie.. go ahead and have fun :))
27 Jun 2016 10:21am
I think they are called can of potatoe here in Canada. They have them across the street.
In the northern communities there are many families with the last name Canofpotatoe !~
Believe it or Not !~
27 Jun 2016 11:14am
No idea that you could buy potatoes by cab, ... again what learned :-)
27 Jun 2016 12:15pm
This again cute idea captured beautifully again.
27 Jun 2016 1:38pm
Ronnie has figured out a way to avoid washing potatoes. Good for him.
27 Jun 2016 2:39pm
@Don: Ah, yes, there speaks the the voice of reason ! (Ronnie)
Oh Ronnie, no no no! There is nothing better than a fresh potato. Throw that can away!
27 Jun 2016 3:08pm
In can ? No pleasure by preparing them, no pleasure by eating them but good thing… many pleasure to see your photo :)
27 Jun 2016 4:21pm
That can of potatoes looks so "unapeeling"!! :-)
Don't forget to eat the skins, too.
27 Jun 2016 5:48pm
Fresh is always best (when it comes to food!) Even frozen would be better than that can of potatoes.
27 Jun 2016 5:58pm
@Ruthiebear: I think we can get powdered potatoes, too . . called "Smash" ! (Ronnie)
Great composition ! I'm going to check whether or not we have something like Ronnie's potatoes. I think I'd go with Lilly's potatoes.
27 Jun 2016 6:42pm
Potatoes in a can, Camembert in a can, babies made in a can...
All is not progress, you know ?
But, if you do like fat, saturates and salt in over quantity, of course...
27 Jun 2016 7:08pm
I'm as surprised as lilly; patatoes in a can??
patatoes in water .. I know!
we have patatoes in our garden and by the persistent rain of the last few weeks, we have also patatoes in water. ;-))
27 Jun 2016 8:21pm
@curieuzeneuzemosterdpot: Smiles, I know more about rain than potatoes ! (Ronnie)
Oh the younger generation these days Lilly...
27 Jun 2016 9:20pm
I watched 'The Martian' last night. The main character had to grow potatoes to survive. I'm sure he would have been happy to have some canned ones. On Earth, though, I'm not so sure.
27 Jun 2016 10:11pm
@Steve Rice: Well, he'd be okay on the 'sell-by' date . . mine are safe thru to October 2018. (Ronnie) Says it all, really . . . sigh . . ( from Lilly )
Steve took the words right out of my mouth! On a lighter note, don't forget the old song "You Say 'Potato' and I say 'Potahto'" etc etc...Let's just call the whole thing off!! :-)
28 Jun 2016 12:32am
@Denny Jump Photo: That soge was going thru my head all day yesterday . . now, y've brought it back again ! (Ronnie)
Maybe go for potatoes in a bottle sometimes called vodka.
28 Jun 2016 12:46am
Yum, saturates, sugar and salt - how do they even find room for potatoes i there?
28 Jun 2016 1:34am
@Harry: Does male y'think !
French fries are the way to go. Ronnie, can you get canned French fries in catsup? (shudder)
28 Jun 2016 1:35am
@B. Thomas: I shall ask in store later today, Barbara . . closed at the moment due to some health scare . . (Ronnie)
Quoi de meilleur que les belles que l'on épluche.
En boîte. ..... beurk :))))))))))))))
28 Jun 2016 6:06am
@jpla: Indeed.
Moi aussi je préfère les légumes frais, mais les pommes de terre de Lily n'ont pas bonne mine ! :)
28 Jun 2016 7:35am
@yo: Oh cher . .
Great presentation of contrast or conflict, Ronnie. I agree with you that Basics can potatoes mentions only fat, saturates, sugar and salt ... Lilly doesn't seem to appreciate your choice. Hope she will agree with you later ... :)
28 Jun 2016 8:18am
"Potato in can" Looks like a mysterious & sacred potato. Very interesting.
28 Jun 2016 8:54am
@fateme@@: If I get a chance, I'll open the can and take a pic ! (Ronnie)
Seriously potatoes in a can - that's just weird:) Lilly I'm as surprised as you are;)
28 Jun 2016 9:22am
@kiwisa: The other option was 'Cadbury's Smash' - but I could bot find any ! (Ronnie)
Ronnie goes for convenience! More time to make fantastic images ............... ;-)
28 Jun 2016 1:47pm
@Ellebelle: Ah, yes, well, that is the plan ! (Ronnie)
Oh my, Ha! look out for those cans Ronnie! I'm a bit of a prepper. I've got food that will last for a long time here in case of earthquake...etc. Had to get rid of a lot of the can stuff at some point. Scary some of the stuff in there!
But I think freeze-dried - is a good idea! Fresh Potatoes (out of the can)
... went from being really good for you - to being really bad for you - back to being good for you again.
Don't trust the expert. They are only experts until they are proven wrong. Which seems to be frightfully
commonplace. I love me some REAL potatoes!
29 Jun 2016 12:16am
@Becky: Well, I bought those canned potatoes just for the image here . . but, out of curiosity, I might open them and see what they are like. I mentioned above that I recall potato 'powder' ('Smash) and I believe it is still on the market. (Ronnie)
Potatoes can be found in all sorts of preparations, but canned in water...well I will not try them! Excellent presentation and dialogue! Enjoy your meal!!!
29 Jun 2016 8:39am
@Mireille T.: Thank you !
Autant de variétés , de goûts que de belles recettes à créer ;)
29 Jun 2016 11:03am
@Mickaël D: Oui, je l'ai trouvé des recettes qui ont demandé «des pommes de terre en conserve»! (Ronnie)
Exquisite natural potatoes. Lilly is right to buy. In this case preserves are not the same for our health !. Do not buy canned ... imitates Lilly! Best regards dear's friend's...
29 Jun 2016 5:46pm
Well - you will have to give them a tiny taste then!!
30 Jun 2016 12:35am
Genial vista de patatas en conserva..no lo sabía, me gustaría tenerlas para casos de apuro, se pueden utilizar en variedad de recetas..aunque siempre prefiero lo natural..tengo enlatados para soluciones rápidas... Buenos días.
30 Jun 2016 10:27am
@Nelida De La Fuente: Gracias - sí, hay recetas con ellos ! (Ronnie)
@Aly: I'm sure you are right ! (Ronnie)
Can? Is there any other substrate appropriate for potatoes? Very amusing post.
1 Jul 2016 5:16pm
je l'ai adore en frite ces patates .... bon week-end Ronnie
1 Jul 2016 5:31pm
@normandy50: Thank you - and to you. (L&R)
Yes we CAN ;) Natural versus I'm-in-a-hurry-tonight version ! Tasty you !
1 Jul 2016 7:07pm
tasty and hearty, mmmmm...
2 Jul 2016 12:54am
@delaram: Ah, yes . . a tempting thought. (Ronnie)
Hahaha.. nice one.. I like them fried.. very healthly when fried ;)
2 Jul 2016 1:12pm
Quel jeu de patates en boîte non à éplucher génial.
2 Jul 2016 3:09pm
I like potatoes. not going to give up!
great shot!!
2 Jul 2016 5:01pm
@Kyu: No doubt about it !
Like what it is best to eat fresh potatoes :)) Great work. Good Sunday my friend !!!
3 Jul 2016 12:11pm