Lilly : Did you say you were a fan of Mickey Mouse ?
Ronnie : Oh, yes . . living the dream to the full, Lilly.
Lilly : eeeeek !! . . far worse than I thought . .
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@Jypyä Pop: Thankyou, JP - have a good week ! (L&R)
La petite souris de droite ferait monter pas mal de femmes sur la table :)
11 Sep 2017 6:58am
@Mickaël D: . . et quelques hommes adultes aussi, je suppose !
@Gérard: Thank you.
I love your funny composition ! from the cartoon to the reality, there is a gap ;-)
11 Sep 2017 9:09am
@Anna Cherer: Yes, when we think about it, there is little similarity between Mickey and a mouse ! (Ronnie)
Live mice are fun at a distance.
But at Mickey Mousse you are melting
11 Sep 2017 10:43am
Ha, our cat is fan too, always bringing home mousey friends. Clever stuff.
11 Sep 2017 10:51am
@Brockaly: Yes, I was always sorry for the mice my cats brought home . . (Ronnie)
@Hiro: Yes, little resemblance when you think about it . . (Ronnie)
Such a cute little rat that looks much cuddable than Mickey. :-)
11 Sep 2017 11:34am
@Steven: True. Odd, huh ?
That's been a long time but Mickey Mouse still lives ...... :-))
Well done
11 Sep 2017 12:02pm
@Aly: Yes, first appearance in 1928 according to Wilki ! (Ronnie)
Very nicely done, a fun and creative result as always.
11 Sep 2017 12:28pm
As much as I love Mickey and MInnie, not when they visit my home!!!! EEEEK!!!!
11 Sep 2017 1:16pm
I'm a fan of The Lord of the Rings, but I also like Mickey Mouse. :)
11 Sep 2017 1:31pm
@Martine Libouton: Merci, passez une bonne semaine. (Robbie)
Looks like a fine collection of Mickey memorabilia. I like both the wearables Ronnie has presented. I do wonder about droppings though . . .
11 Sep 2017 5:01pm
@Steve Rice: Ah, yes, droppings can become a problem . . (Ronnie)
It seems we love the character but have some problems with the real model. Great work.
11 Sep 2017 5:05pm
@Francisco Romero: Actually, I had not before been so aware of the difference between the 'star' and the origins ! Hope to see you posting again soon. (Ronnie)
A funny mouse that seems to admire Mickey ... an idol of children and elders. It seems! Great shot!
11 Sep 2017 8:12pm
From hand positions, the two Mickeys disagree on what time it is. I'm not sure what the brown mouse is indicating with his tail. You two mught have been on hiatus when I posted:
12 Sep 2017 12:02am
@Harry: We did have a longer break than anticipated but it is so good to be back! ( from Lilly and Ronnie )
That Mickey Mouse watch is quite a collectible! I love it! As for that other mouse, he is cute but you can keep him!
12 Sep 2017 1:34am
la petite sourie au milieu de mickey génail super.
12 Sep 2017 2:52am
Nikon and Rocky send a special invitation to the little brown mouse to come over and live their dream.
12 Sep 2017 3:58am
@B. Thomas: Ah, he's too smart to fall for invitations like that ! (Ronnie)
Une belle rencontre entre le réel et l'imaginaire!
A beautiful encounter between the real and the imaginary!
12 Sep 2017 1:31pm
In this case, usually the imaginary is loved and the real is unloved.
"Tis strange but true; for truth is always strange, stranger than fiction" Lord Byron
12 Sep 2017 2:28pm
@Graciel·la (Vic. Catalonia): Ah, true words from Lord Byron. (Ronnie)
@Irene: . . awww . . spare a little cheese for my house-mouse ! (Ronnie)
A funny staging! for my part, I like the little mouse
13 Sep 2017 6:11am
@Anita B.: Yes, I was kinda sorry to let that mouse go . . . (Ronnie)
@Wayra: Squeeeeak ! (R)
The little mouse is not a star, but it looks really harmless! Lovely and funny staging!
13 Sep 2017 1:27pm
Lilly doesn't like that cute mouse. A bit more of reality than she wants.
13 Sep 2017 2:45pm
@Don: Ah, 'Reality' . . I remember it well . . (Ronnie)
Aw!! Did Lily jump up on the table ?
My imagination boggles..now we will have another lovely series of Mickey Rat written by Lily..She's going to become as famous as Walt Disney :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
13 Sep 2017 3:29pm
@Devi: You are always welcome, Devi . .
I like what Steve has to say here ;-) Also, looks as though the "Current" Mickey has been hitting the cheese a bit heavily...Hope it wasn't cheese with Jalepeno in it....Arlo may have to come to the rescue!....Ronnie and Lilli - I LOVE this post ;-)
13 Sep 2017 4:28pm
@Denny Jump: Thank you, Denny . . glad you enjoyed the posting as much as we did ! ( L&R )
@Claudiel: Thankyou . . (L&R)
Great to see a pic of the real Mickey. Both the watch and poster real collectors items. Excellent image Ronnie.
14 Sep 2017 12:18pm
@Shaun: Yes, those both are in our 'collectables' boxes for sure. Thanks, Shaun. (L&R)
Humour , humour !......
Je veux la montre .....)
14 Sep 2017 1:57pm
@tataray: Seul l'humour est disponible ici. . pas la montre !! (Ronnie)
Mikey Mouse and real mouse don't look anything alike! Never noticed that before.
14 Sep 2017 7:04pm
@Anita: I had exactly the same realisation, Anita . . had never occurred to me before. (Ronnie)
J'aime beaucoup Mickey mais je n'apprécie guère les petites souris... surtout celles que le chat rapporte dans la maison !
14 Sep 2017 7:41pm
@yo: Eh bien, je peux m'entendre avec des souris, mais oui, la «question de chat» peut être pénible, surtout pour les souris. (Ronnie)
@Nazzareno: Probably right !
That little mouse looks like a very well kept pet.
15 Sep 2017 9:52am
@Lai Chan See: Amazing how clean they are themselves but they do deposit droppings and love to steal aluminium foil which they shred into tiny pieces and store in corners of the apartment. (Ronnie) It is like reading of an alien world, at times, Lai. ( from Lilly )
Une créature qui inspire fascination ou répulsion. Mais l'intelligence de cette petite bête fort sympathique n'est pas usurpée.
Bonne fin de journée lumineuse!
15 Sep 2017 3:54pm
@Benkirane Thami: Ah, je peux vous dire que vous les connaissez bien! Bon weekend. (Ronnie)
Hello Lilly and Ronnie
Interesting image
but sorry I don't like mouse
15 Sep 2017 4:15pm
@sara: . . oh, the real mouse did not stay long . . although he did not want to go ! (Ronnie)
Walt Disney's Wonderland Animated Mouse next to a real mice and children's watch,
Again an interesting and lovely arrangement lilly!BRAVO to you!
15 Sep 2017 6:02pm
Wonderful images of Micky mouse and a real little brown mouse. What a difference.
A creative real life presentation. Excellent. I enjoyed your replies to the comments.
Thanks Ronnie and Lily. :)
16 Sep 2017 3:15pm
@Sam: Appreciated, Sam. (L&R)
Clearly Ronnie loves a dose of reality TV beyond the old Mickey Mouse dimension. It's time to move on???
17 Sep 2017 7:38am
Aah.....those were the days. Apparently house mice are becoming an endangered species!
I once accused a Mayor of this borough of wearing a Mickey Mouse watch to stifle debate in the council chamber (I felt I had not received my full fifteen minutes of speaking time) I was shocked when he pulled back his jacket sleeve! (I'd guessed correctly).
17 Sep 2017 12:45pm
@Curly: Oh, what a lovely recollection this must be !! (Ronnie)
Excellente composition, la petite souris est toute mignonne à côté de son grand frère Mickey!;-)
18 Sep 2017 9:05am
@fateme@@: He was under an upturned drinking glass - the only way I could contain him and get his photograph ! (Ronnie)
@k@: Thankyou, Karine ! (L&R)
@Daniel: Squeeeek . .
Oh la là ! Y'a du monde ici... je me joins à la cohorte pour dire tout le bien que je pense de cette petite oeuvre :-)
24 Sep 2017 7:52am